Have you ordered the wrong item or changed your mind? As long as your order has yet to be packed in our warehouse, you can cancel all items in your account. First, select the order and click on 'Cancel Articles':
Subsequently, you can select the articles you want to cancel and the reason for the cancellation. For example, select all items if you wish to cancel the entire order. Then, confirm the cancellation.
Please note that in the event of a partial cancellation, the amount of the cancelled item(s) will be refunded as soon as the rest of your order is shipped from our warehouse.
Can't cancel your order? Then your order is already being processed in our warehouse, which means cancellation is no longer possible.
But you might like what you've ordered after all! If that's not the case, you can return the items you don't want to keep for free. Or you can refuse to accept the parcel.
Please note: once your order was cancelled, we can't retract the cancellation. You can only reorder items if the sale is still online and your preferred items are still available.
Use our contact form to send us a message. It may take a day or two before you receive a reply.