Paying with prepayment

Paying with prepayment

Can I pay using the prepayment method?

We only offer prepayment if no other payment method is available. An automated verification process determines which payment methods we can provide you with. Unfortunately, this means that we can't influence whether we'll be able to offer you other payment methods apart from prepayment. But you will still be able to choose different payment options.

How do I pay by prepayment?

After placing your order, we'll send you a confirmation email with all the necessary details about your order and the information you need to complete the bank transfer.

The items you've ordered will be reserved for you for 7 days. We'll start processing your order as soon as we receive your payment. Depending on your bank, this transaction may take 2-4 working days. Please enter your order number in the reference field and pay for each order separately so that we can process your order(s) correctly.

Bank account details
Payee: Zalando Payments GmbH
IBAN: GB17 DEUT 4050 8112 3740 01
Account number: 12374001
Sort code: 40-50-81
Bank: Deutsche Bank AG

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