Is there a shortened delivery time option available for my order?

Is there a shortened delivery time option available for my order?

We sadly can’t offer a shortened delivery option for all items on our website. This delivery option is only available for selected sales. Please check the exact delivery period of the thing you’re interested in by clicking on the product. Then select the 'Delivery Time' option from the drop-down menu on the right-hand side of the product image. In addition, we will inform you about the estimated delivery period during checkout and once you’ve confirmed your order.

Please remember that shortened delivery times will be affected when you combine various items. All orders are dependent on the items with the most extended estimated delivery times. If you combine products with a shortened delivery time and products with a longer delivery time, your order will be delivered at a later date. So, if you put an item in your shopping bag that will be provided in one week and then add another item that will be delivered in six weeks, your entire order will arrive in six weeks.

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