We'll send you an email once your order leaves our warehouse and has been handed over to our shipping provider. This email contains the Evri tracking link. You can check your parcel's delivery status at any given time using this link.
Please mind that it can take up to 2-3 working days before the tracking link becomes active.
Can I still change the delivery option or date?
Yes! Evri will always send you a notification email. Through a link in that email you can redirect your parcel to a pick up point or change the delivery date. In addition, if the carrier does not find you at home, you can use the tracking link to see whether your package was left with a neighbour or brought to a pickup point.
My order should have been delivered already!
Please check the tracking to see if the package has been left with a neighbour. If not, and the shipping status has not changed for 5 days, please contact us - you can find our contact options below.
Use our contact form to send us a message. It may take a day or two before you receive a reply.