How can I reset my password if I have forgotten it?

How can I reset my password if I have forgotten it?

1. Please go to our login page. Under the box for your password, you'll see the question 'Forgot your password?'. Click it and enter your email address in the field provided.

2. Shortly after, you'll receive an email from us. This email contains a link to change your password. Please note that this email may take a couple of hours to reach you. It could also go to your spam folder, so please check there. The link is valid for 3 hours and can only be used once.

3. Click the link and enter your new password in the next step. Please be sure to check your email address and password, in particular, the spelling. When the caps lock key is activated, your entire password will be entered in capital letters. Confirm your new password in the next step and you're done!

If the link in the email that we sent does not work as expected, copy and paste the link into the address field of your web browser. If you're still not be able to log into your account, please get in touch with our customer service team.

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