Legal Notice is brought to you by:
Zalando SE (stock corporation under German law)
Valeska-Gert-Straße 5
10243 Berlin
Telefax: +49 30 2759 46 93
Management Board:
Robert Gentz & David Schröder (both co-Chairs of the Board), Dr. Astrid Arndt, David Schneider
Chairperson of the Supervisory Board: Kelly Bennett
Registered at Amtsgericht Charlottenburg Berlin, HRB 158855 B
Value Added Tax ID: DE 260543043
Tax Number: 37/132/45004
Responsible for contents of Zalando SE: Robert Gentz
Legal Note
Link to the platform of the European Commission
according to Regulation on consumer ODR
Bank account details
Payee: Zalando Payments GmbH
IBAN: GB17 DEUT 4050 8112 3740 01
Account number: 12374001
Sort code: 40-50-81
Bank: Deutsche Bank AG
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