Have you ever thought about creating a minimalist wardrobe? While this may seem a little drastic, minimalism in fashion is always relevant.
Believe it or not, there is such a thing as 'too many clothes'. If your wardrobe is brimming at the seams with clothes you never wear - and are never likely to - simply getting ready for the day might be a challenge you dread.
But have you thought about creating a minimalist wardrobe? While this may seem a little drastic, minimalism in fashion is always relevant. Think Mark Zuckerberg and grey T-shirts. Think President Obama and blue or grey suits. Everyone from Vivienne Westwood to Karl Lagerfeld has been extolling the virtues of the minimalist wardrobe in recent years - so maybe now is the time to downsize your own fashion collection.
Minimalist wardrobes include only those clothes, shoes and accessories that you're likely to wear.
"There are three steps to creating a minimalist wardrobe."
They are a true representation of an individual's chosen style, and they usually feature only those items that can be included in ensembles without too much thought. You'll know you've succeeded in your attempts at minimalism in your wardrobe when achieving the look you love is easy.
Creating minimalist wardrobes doesn't necessarily mean sticking to one colour or theme, but your new wardrobe should be capable of delivering consistent ensembles according to your chosen style.
For instance, if you prefer a particular fabric, stick to it. Or maybe you like garments with relatively plain design features. Once you know your favoured style, choosing which items to ditch should be relatively easy.
Go through your wardrobe item by item. Ruthlessly and honestly, divide your collection into three piles: yes, no and maybe. How you decide which item falls into which category is up to you. But try to decide whether or not each item complements your chosen style; if it does, throw it on the 'yes' pile. If the item doesn't fit, is damaged beyond repair or just isn't compatible with your preferred style, send it straight to the 'no' pile.
If you're unsure whether or not an item complements your style, put it on the 'maybe' pile.
Now you've made your selections, you need to be ruthless. Put the clothes in the 'yes' pile straight back into your wardrobe, and find a storage area for the items in your 'maybe' pile (a loft or basement is perfect). Take the 'no' pile straight to a charity shop before you start to doubt yourself.
Do all the clothes you have left in your wardrobe complement one another? Do they tell the story of your fashion preferences? Are you happy for people to see you in these clothes? And will they represent your personality in the way you want?
"Always make sure you absolutely need each item before you purchase it."
Once you've assessed your new wardrobe, you can identify the items that are missing, and make a detailed shopping list. But always make sure you absolutely need each item before you purchase it. And only buy those garments and accessories that will complement both your existing wardrobe and your chosen style.
Ideally, your new wardrobe should contain only classic designs and styles - the types of garments and accessories that never go out of fashion. Avoid buying trend items, and never succumb to the temptation of buying faddy garments and accessories that come and go in a single season.
So, decide on your style, be ruthless in your decisions and only buy items that complement what you already have. If you can achieve these goals, your wardrobe will be beautifully minimalistic in no time.
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